Monday, February 22, 2010

Plans for Monday

So remember that last Wednesday's track of Griffy's scent ended at the door of the nature center building, and we were able to reach out, indirectly if not directly, to the people that had been there in the last hours before the track. And no one saw anything. Our response, then, has been to keep spreading the word and to also try to consider other possibilities as to why the scent trail ended there if no one picked him up. Sam and Laura discussed it, and hypothesized (or really just questioned each other, I think) could the door being opened have pulled some scent back to that front door area -- such as a scent that lead away from it? In the end, we don't know, but we've had to just go on the assumption that Griffy is still "out there" and still needs all the help possible to get back home.

A couple of the volunteers found an area on the nature center property that has what could be considered some shelter for an animal of Griffy's size, and there are paw prints and some evidence of digging in the snow, to the point at which even some mulch and leaves were dug up. Ruling out animals too small such as squirrels and chipmunks, and animals that are just unlikely to dig such as raccoons, we are looking at the possibility that Griffy has been spending some time on the grounds of the center. With that that in mind, Gail and another volunteer are going to the Nature Center today to meet with the people there. Hopefully those discussions will lead to a plan that will help us find Griffy there, at the nature center.

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