Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Sighting - a Few Hours Ago

Not much in the way of details yet, but a sighting was called in this morning and Gail plus two other volunteers responded immediately. They didn't see Griffy, although the sighting was fairly hot, but they did get the area fliered. Sam & Salsa are on their way to verify the sighting. As more details are available, they will be posted here. Check back!

3:25pm - a report from the track has Salsa pulling Sam a breakneck speed. See the map, linked at right, for the track so far.

10:35pm - I don't have the exact track to post yet; hopefully Sam will be able to send the map before long. But the gist of it is that Griffy did several loops in a rather small, tight area, south of where he went missing almost five weeks ago. This different from the February 4th track that showed him looping but the loop was large. And a week ago, he did a loop, north of Little River Turnpike, that was much larger than this loop. Interestingly, he walked right in front of his paternal grandparents house; too bad he didn't know to just plop down on the stoop where his dad would have easily found him just a little while later!

So here's the response to the sighting and track -- one and only one feeding and scent station was set up at the grandparents' house, and a camera has been set up to hopefully show us Griffy eating from it. We can always hope!


Christine said...

That's great news! Hope it's him!

Unknown said...

Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Anonymous said...

I have been following this missing case. Even though I live in Reston, please keep the updates coming. I want to see this little guy get home!

Julie said...

This is great news! Don't give up hope!