Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update & Status Saturday Night

The last several days have had us posting fliers on the north side of 236, and by now we have covered a lot of the area we want covered. We are sad that calls are not coming in yet, but we know that they may start coming in at any time.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Update & Status Thursday Morning

So far this morning we have only this update from Donna:  I spoke this morning with Todd Brown who is the operations manager at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center. He is calling the staff now (via cell phones) to see if anyone knows anything about what happened to Griffy yesterday. He will call me back once he's talked to all of the staff members that worked there yesterday.


10:50am update from Donna:

Okay - this is what we know so far. None of the staff (which we think is only 2-3 people) know anything about Griffy. They didn't see him yesterday much less catch him. The nature center did have a class though that was open to the public between 4-5pm last night. We are waiting to talk to the manager (who is available at 1pm today) to see if we can get the list (phone numbers and email addresses) of the folks who attended the class. I can't imagine it's a long list - likely only 5-6 people.

In the meantime, I think we need to proceed with the assumption that Griffy is still alive, well and traveling in the area between Little River Turnpike/Hummer Road/Gallows Road and the beltway. This is the area in which the track ran last night AND the same location (Fenton Road) that the mailman told me he saw Griffy last week between the two snow storms. This area has not been well fliered (except for the ones Nadene and Terri posted last night) nor has it been canvassed.

Gail is out there now and I have asked her to spend the next few hours driving/walking the track and talking to anyone she sees. I think if we concentrate on this location, as well as follow up with the people who left the nature center around 5pm and could have potentially picked up Griffy on their way out, we'll have our bases covered. I am going to post to CL right now with some of this info to try to spur more info from people who may have been in the area.

Does anyone have availability tonight, tomorrow or tomorrow night to flier and/or canvass ? I will also be calling Sam this morning to fill her in and ask for her advice as to feeding station location in light of the fact that Griffy hasn't yet been linked to someone at the nature center.

Update as of 3:30: The people at the Nature Center are reaching out to the people that were in the class from 4 to 4:55pm yesterday, which is four families, by email or phone or whatever way they can be reached, and we are awaiting word on that. Then we also found out that there was another college class that was held at the center from 5pm to 8pm last night, and the instructor is being contacted to see what he or she can do to contact all of the students in that class. So right now, there are around a couple of dozen people that could potentially have information about Griffy being at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center prior to when Sam & Salsa tracked Griffy's scent there, which was I think around 8:30pm last night.

Meanwhile, Gail has been out hitting the pavement today, and she has talked to and given business cards to a ton of people moving throughout the area. We are still trying to get more people to go out this evening and do more of the same.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Griffy's Scent Tracked Tonight

Thanks to Alex, who called in a very hot sighting about mid-day today, Sam & Salsa of Pure Gold Pet Trackers came out to track Griffy's movements tonight -- about 7 hours behind him. Salsa picked up Griffy's scent right away, and basicaly pulled Sam along as she tracked for over an hour and a half. You can see the map of the track linked from the menu at right, or just click --> HERE.

As I'm writing this update, we are at a crossroads -- because the scent trail ended at the front door of the Hidden Oaks Nature Center, where Salsa sat down and barked.

Here is Sam's map of the track:

Sightings - Today and Last Week

A call came in today from someone that saw a dog that might be Griffy on Hummer Road this morning, and moments after he saw the dog, he pulled in to a 7-11 where there was a flier.

While our volunteer responded to the sighting and spoke with a mail carrier, showing him Griffy's flier, he (pretty casually!) responded that he had seen that dog -- one day between the two snowstorms! Where he saw him was along Fenton, which is a street at the end of Trammel, which connects Fenton and Hummer.

So if this is Griffy, this puts him on the opposite side of Little River Turnpike from where he went missing. We already knew he's crossed LRT from the Feb 4th track, but the area where the track showed him going, on the opposite side of LRT from his starting point and his home, is east of here. This means he's covering a lot of ground.

We need to have this sighting verified, and we have made arrangments for Sam & Salsa to again come to Annandale following another track they are doing today. (Again, like the last time, they are tracking for Sweetie before coming to track for Griffy.) Arrangments have been made and Sam & Salsa will arrive as soon as they can, but right now, we don't know how they will get paid! If you can make a contribution, please click on the ChipIn hyperlink at right, and thank you so much in advance for that!

Check back later this evening for results of the track!! I can already tell you that we are most likely going to need some fliering in that swath between Humman and the beltway. Can you download the flier and business cards and be ready to start fliering? Tonight or tomorrow? The weekend?? Leave a comment if you can help!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Status and Update

The work to spread the word about Griffy continued Sunday, with more people out and about in Annandale being told about him, and handed a business card, some by Gail. I know that this is hard on Gail, talking about her lost dog and pleading for people to help by spreading the word. It's necessary, though, and she and the small number of volunteers can't reach everyone. So hopefully if you are reading this page, you are telling others too, to be on the lookout for Griffy.

With word of Griffy being spread out like we've been able to start doing since the snowfall finally stopped, we are looking for sightings, and so far just one has come in, which turned out to be another dog. Even if you are not sure that the dog you see is Griffy, if you aren't sure one way or another, please do call Gail as soon after you see the dog as you can. If you are able to take a picture, all the better.

For anyone reading this page that is unfamiliar with how a tracking dog works, read the recent Wsahington Post article about Sam & Salsa with Pure Gold Pet trackers by clicing  HERE. The artcle doesn't mention Griffy by name, but does mention the track that Sam & Salsa recently ran on him, very briefly.

Meanwhile, if you are on Twitter, please tweet about Griffy. If you are on Facebook, please post Griffy's blog ( on your wall. If there are bulletin boards you read or listservs you are a member of, those are good ways to pass it around. Email the blog to your friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, former co-workers -- anyone. Print out the business cards or fliers (see the Links menu at right) and make hard copies available to anyone you can. These are all ways that you can make a difference -- hopefully THE difference we are looking for!