Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Sighting - Hot!

Not much in the way of details yet but it's off of Edsall Road, so he crossed Braddock -- if this is him. Check back for details!

Update: this sighting was investigated by both Gail (Griffy's mom) and Donna (one of the volunteers). After initial canvassing made it appear that the caller was seeing a neighborhood dog named JJ, it now looks like both JJ and Griffy were out and about in the neighborhood mid-day today. Someone in the neighborhood who knows JJ and looked at a picture of Griffy stated that she too, like the caller, saw a dog that looks just like Griffy roaming around earlier today -- with JJ. We still need to reach JJ's people to talk to them, and so hopefully more information will be available later. We are trying to reach Sam to get her and Salsa out to verify this sighting.

Assuming we can do this, and that Salsa tells us it was Griffy that was seen in this neighborhood, we need to re-think weekend plans for outreach. This would have us trying to reach a new population, and maybe with different methods from what we were doing before.

Stay tuned!

Update at midnight: So, it was Griffy that the caller, David, saw off Edsall Rd. David remembered seeing a flier at a deli, when he saw Griffy, and he called the deli and asked them to look on the flier to give him the number to call in the sighting. Pretty cool, David -- so glad you are so resourceful. Am too tired to relay the details of the track at the moment, but it does look like Griffy milled about in one neighborhood on one side of Edsall Rd, then crossed Edsall and milled about in another neighborhood. And we had to call the track before the scent ran out; the plan is to try picking it back up Saturday. I'm hoping for another sighting before that, but we need fliers out at the new area off Edsall Rd, between Braddock & 395, if we're going to get many calls.

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